Sometimes using coupons can save you lots of money; just be sure you are using the coupon for something you need anyway!
In the case of grocery coupons: Try to use your coupons on sales, on double-coupon days and on other discount days (such as senior discount days) to maximize their value. Check to see if using a coupon is your best deal or if buying a generic or store brand of the same item is a better deal.
Sometimes coupons can be the best deal, especially if you prefer the name-brand item.
Some places I've found coupons:
- In the Sunday newspaper and in mailers such as MoneyClip & Reach.
- Newspaper Websites
- Manufacturers and store websites.
- Email newsletters from manufacturers or stores.
- Back of packages & inserts in packages and on trial sizes
- Coupon dispensers on store shelves and flyers in stores.
- Coupon trading boxes in stores.
- Sign up for your local grocery's customer card. They will send you coupons or take coupons out of your grocery purchase receipt at the checkout.
- Check-out coupons at the grocery or drugstore and coupons on the back of your store receipt.
- Here's a site that thoroughly covers the topic of grocery coupon savings:
- If you know of a great coupon source, please post in the comment section!
It's possible to get discounts for various reasons:
- You are a senior citizen (age limit varies).
- You are a student.
- You are a kid under 12.
- You are disabled.
- You are a member of the armed forces or are a veteran.
- You work in law enforcement.
- You work in the medical area.
- You work for the federal, state or municipal government.
- From your employer.
- You are a member of AARP, AAA, VACU or various other organizations.
- You are a member of a certain church or temple.
- You are buying in bulk or as a group.
- And these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!
- Look around, Google and find other discounts.
- Please let us know by posting a comment on this blog!
Part of frugal, green living is simpler living; living that is not driven by workaholism (and that includes the endless unpaid drudge work of chores and household maintenance, as well a paid jobs,) hectic scheduling of classes, teams, religious meetings, whatever... Life ain't just about money, honey ;
How many people these days actually VACATE when they take a vacation, IF they take a vacation? How many people spend their vacation time catching up on household chores rather than traveling and visiting friends and family or going the the beach or mountains or a museum or a concert?
How many people spend that time preparing for their next work, their next class or such instead of indulging in recreation (RE-CREATION!) or a fun hobby or past time?
When, did we as a society, become such a nation of uninteresting, no-fun drudges??? WHY?
What happened to the ideals and leisure of the 60's? Why have we returned to our Puritan pasts?
Why with more labor saving devices than ever are we busier and working more ?
National Take Back Your Time Day (USA & CANADA) proposes some solutions.
Check them out!
While you are exploring this idea, also explore the idea of National Buy Nothing Day.
National Buy Nothing Day proposes that we sit out the national shop-a-thon frenzy of Retail Black Friday - the day after American Thanksgiving. Sure you can get great bargains on Black Friday, IF you get to the store in the middle-of-the-night and camp out in the cold and IF you are prepared to push & shove like a bunch of football holligans for merchandise that's probably already sold out and IF you are prepared to sacrifice precious holiday time away from your family and friends. And to me, friends, THAT'S NO BARGAIN! Besides, do you really need that super-duper wide-screen plasma TV, even if it is dirt cheap? If you must participate in such a frenzy, go online for Retail Black Monday and shop from the comfort of your home.
Virginia Co-operative Extension Services programs were designed with rural folk and farmers in mind, but their education site has tons of free information on gardening, health, money management and other topics that we city slickers can also use.